Protect your students and staff with a Security Assessment.
School Security Assessment
While we believe that all schools should be safe spaces and free from any risk, the reality of our world is that active shootings happen. We want to help you to feel safe and able to focus in a secure learning environment. What do you do when schools don’t feel safe? A School Security Assessment is a great place to start.
What happens in a
School Security Assessment?

1. Initial Meeting

2. On-site Visit

3. Prepare Plan
Last, we’ll put together a plan of action that will allow your school to effectively prepare for what often seems unpredictable.
Schools have increasingly become
targets for acts of violence.
Everything about schools should be a welcoming place for kids, tweens, and teens alike. However, things like large windows, wide hallways, and easy exits to the playground or parking lot have become risks to the safety of the school should the unthinkable ever happen.
Students, teachers, and administrative staff shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they are in a vulnerable area. Schedule a Security Assessment with ProActive Response Group, and we’ll help you create a learning environment that emphasizes security without making your students feel unsafe.

Why you should schedule a
School Security Assessment?
The founders of ProActive Response Group have a long history of working in emergency medical and law enforcement capacities. Not only have we been involved in dangerous criminal investigations and hostage negotiations and provided on-the-spot lifesaving emergency medical care, but we’ve also provided security consulting services and protective details for high-risk dignitaries and other individuals.
With more than a hundred years of combined experience, we have a unique perspective on every building we enter. Schools are no exception. We want to pass along our outlook with a School Security Assessment and Security Counseling.
If you’re ready to get started scheduling your School Security Assessment, or if you’d like to speak with someone in person and get more details, give us a call at (888) 512-3530.