Active Shooter Response
Training in Columbia
If an active shooter event occurred in Columbia
would you be prepared?
We all want to think of our South Carolina hometowns as safe places, and for the most part they are. But safety is relative, and it can be swept out from under you in an instant – the moment a shooter walks into your workplace or a student brings a weapon to school. Although safety is never guaranteed, survival can be trained.
Columbia’s teachers need the tools to respond in a crisis.
School shootings are the norm in cities big and small.
Today’s students have never known a world without school shootings. While we hope and pray that Columbia’s schools do not experience such acts of violence, failure to train our teachers and staff is a disservice to our students.
Hands-on training in active shooter response and emergency medical response is essential for Columbia’s schools. In addition to the training, it’s also important to equip your teachers with the tools they need to stop the bleed and save lives by outfitting every classroom with a Bleeding Control Kit.

Workplace violence is on the rise.
Are your employees prepared to be their own first responders?
Most of Columbia’s nine-to-fivers are probably not commuting to work while mulling over how they might respond to an active shooter event at their place of employment. It’s more likely that they’re operating on autopilot, unaware of the potential for workplace violence – a risk that’s becoming increasingly more common, not just in cities like Columbia, SC, but across the entire nation.
It’s vital that your employees are equipped to effectively respond should an active shooter event occur at your corporation. Scenario-based, on-site training for corporations will not only equip them to respond, but it will also empower them to survive.
Prefer to train your Columbia-based office using a video course? Check out our online training curriculum for active shooter response.

Columbia, SC is home to dozens of manufacturing facilities.
Is your industrial team trained in treating injuries?
Industrial workers sustain a higher risk of being injured on the job than do office employees. Heavy machinery and moving equipment present serious safety concerns, and while preventive policies usually protect workers from injury, accidents are bound to happen, and when they do, a trained medical response could mean the difference between life and death.
Provide your workers with the emergency bleeding control training they need to treat life-threatening injuries such as severe bleeding, and keep Bleeding Control Kits on hand for such situations.
Is your congregation situationally aware and secure?
Places of worship have become targets for active shooters.
South Carolina has experienced active shooter attacks on places of worship before – take proactive steps to keep it from happening again. Beginning with a safety assessment and on-site training, religious establishments can learn to recognize potential threats before they become a reality.
Safety – even at church – is no longer an expectation. Safety is something that church leaders must proactively fight to protect.

Training a Survivor’s Mindset
Contact ProActive Response Group.
ProActive Response Group’s dedicated team of instructors is ready to provide your school, workplace, or religious establishment with the practical skills and the empowered mindset needed to survive an active shooter event or other life-threatening situation. Contact us to learn more about: